Thursday, November 29, 2012

2010 Comes, Followed by Amazing Consumer Electronics

2010 comes, and the economy is just beginning to stabilize and the pace of recovery is yet uncertain. At this point, many companies launch novel category of devices. Will they convince consumers to open their pocket?

1.2010 begins with tablet revolution

Size is everything in computing these days. Netbooks -- those 8- to 10-inch dumbed-down laptops -- were big news in 2009. This year, they may be eclipsed by an abundance of other midsize computing device.

Call it a "slate" or call it a "tablet," the technology world is suddenly awash with a novel category of mobile devices seeking to grab the spotlight from a hugely anticipated product launch by Apple Inc on January 27, followed by Hewlett-Packard Co, Dell Inc, Motorola Inc and Lenovo Group Ltd who show off thin, touch screen computing devices at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

The tablet phenomenon is an opportunity for these companies, but whether it can open consumers' purse is uncertain.

2. E-readers are growing in popularity,

Heard of the Amazon Kindle? The Barnes & Noble Nook? The Sony Reader?

All of these e-readers -- portable devices that let readers consume digital books without the eye strain caused by computer monitors.

Different from tablet's uncertain future, E-reader is one of the best sellers during holiday season. Sales of Amazon Kindle surpassed physical book sales on the holiday for the first time.

3. 3D TV, TV makers' potential pain

Television manufacturers are banking on 3D TVs for their next sales boost, with sets capable of adding that extra visual dimension expected to hit U.S. store shelves in force by the middle of 2010.

Top TV makers including Sony Corp, Panasonic Corp, LC Electronics Inc and Samsung Electronics Co Ltd features 3D screen advances at the Consumer Electronics Show, hoping the new technology will be as big a boost for the industry as the transition to color TVs from black and white, but many consumers have only just unboxed new high-definition television screens. They may be unwilling to spend on upgrading again soon

4. New members in smartphone market.

Google is coming at the mobile industry with Nexus One. The Nexus One was built by Taiwanese electronics manufacturer HTC. Google has called the Nexus One a super phone, no doubt to set the device apart from the other players, including the BlackBerry and Apple's iPhone. At the moment, the Nexus One is only available in the US but will be sold in Europe, Hong Kong and Singapore in the spring through Vodafone.

Lenovo Group Ltd is also wading into the smartphone market with a thin, touch screen device based on Google Inc's Android operating system. The world's No. 4 personal computer maker announced LePhone, which will be launched this year in China, Lenovo's home base, where it is the PC market leader.

How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   

Using Wireless Technology When Launching a New Product

he key to making good sales is in a presentation for a new product launch that can attract and hold the attention of the crowd, and what better way to hold the attention of people than making them a part of the presentation themselves?

Audience participation is a double edged sword; it can lead to a great presentation for a launch, or a horrendous one. Too little participation and your audience will get bored, too much and the presentation for a new product launch will get out of control.

Participation is the secret ingredient in making your new product launches a success, and this participation can be incorporated into your presentation for a new product launch through two-way wireless technology. Wireless technology will allow your viewers to look deeper into any questions they may have about the new product without having to wait and remember their query until the presentation for the new launch is over and you are free.

All they have to do is log in wirelessly to a special feature you have incorporated into your presentation for the new product launch and post their questions when they like. This will save a lot of time, and will not interrupt the flow of your presentation for your new launch.

Creative minds can use the technology to build up a crowd, and anyone can incorporate features of the presentation for a new product launch into hand held devices so that audience queries can be answered with ease and minimal interruption. You have to be careful though, if the idea is not implemented correctly it may seem that you are sidelining your audience or ignoring their questions.

How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   

Profitable Launches - What Does it Really Take?

I'm blessed to coach a lot of women and study with a lot of mentors. And there's something I've noticed...

Spirit-rich women entrepreneurs are really confused about what it really takes to have a profitable launch!

Why? One reason is they check out what "the big gals" are doing and try to model them.

While there is a lot to be learned from studying what successful people and adapt it to your situation, in the case of launches, it can also lead you astray (think: wasting lots of time). There's a lot going on that you probably won't notice unless you know what to look for, and even more going on behind the scenes.

I've discovered that way the big gals make launches work just isn't something that most coaches, consultants and healers can make work for them. So what do "the rest of us" really need to do to successfully fill a new program?

There are 3 essential skill sets you must have to profitably launch any new program, product or service, no matter what the price point:

1. A proven, step-by-step and day-by-day launch plan. You've probably discovered that unveiling your new program with a flourish and a "Ta Da!" doesn't work. What does work is an ordered sequence that is specifically designed to create momentum, create sales, and keep the sales going.

I've found that you can create that momentum in as little as 2 weeks. (In fact, contrary to what you may think, when it comes to launches that make money, shorter is better.)

Your launch plan includes a launch calendar that tells you exactly what to do to, each day, including which email to send, important deadlines such as when the price goes up and when bonuses go away, and more.

2. A simple strategy for having value-rich conversations that turn into clients or purchasers of your new product or program. Here's a little-known secret that nobody talks about: Unless you have a huge list that is trained to buy from you, you'll need to include OFFLINE methods in your launch - that is, conversations that turn into clients.

It takes personal connection to run a successful business. Every uber-successful mentor I know has someone in their organization who is on the phone with potential clients. (One of my mentors, Kendall SummerHawk is a great example. Her hubby and biz partner Richard, spends all day every day connecting with clients. Think that may have had a little something to do with the fact that they crossed the 2-million dollar mark last year? You bet it did!)

It's important to understand that there is NO "hard selling" in these conversations! You're simply helping your clients get clear and present to the problem, and inviting them to make a different choice - your solution, if it's right for them.

When you combine these kinds of authentic conversations with your online marketing, you'll create incredible results - for you AND the people you help.

3. A simple strategy for giving a passionate, profitable preview call that gets clients lining up to work with you. Ever experience this scenario? You craft a knockout call, give away a ton of information and get great feedback ("I loved your call!")... but nobody buys. What's the problem?

The problem is that there is a structure to a preview call that delivers a lot of value AND creates sales!

In your call you want to help your clients get present to their problem, showing them there IS a solution, getting them started by giving them a few tips, and letting them know where they can get more - ie., how they can invest in what you offer.

Your preview call is really an authentic selling conversation, delivered 1-to-many instead of just 1-to-1. When you think of them that way, and structure them accordingly (instead of trying to solve the problem IN the call), you'll dramatically improve your results.

These 3 skills combine specific planning with the 2 all-important authentic "selling conversations" that cover BOTH scenarios in which you'll be working - online and offline. Master them all, and you'll always be able to put together a plan to fill your programs... no matter what your list size, experience in what you do, or what you're offering.

How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Suggestions to Launching a New Business - Discover Why It Should Start Online!   

Launch Your Product Into Your Customers' Inboxes

Correct product launching can be one of the most difficult parts of running your online business. There are so many different experts giving so much advice that it can be very hard to figure out what to use in order to have a product launch that will get you money at the end of the day instead of at the end of the week... or month.... Or whenever... However, there are some solid ways of making a successful product launch and one of them is by launching your product straight into the inbox of your customers. There are a few ways of doing this and they all work well for letting people know what's going on and sparking interest.

1. The tried and true: Send out a mass email to everyone on your customer list telling that that you'll be launching a new product. Try to give as specific a date as possible and make it a few days in advance. That way, you'll have people counting down the days til the release of the product and they'll be in a better mind frame to buy it when it comes out. However, if you do it too much in advance, then you'll just have people forgetting when the product was to be launched and thus nothing will get up in the air. Three or four days to a week is usually the best time frame to whet the appetite and get people slavering.

You can also send out daily emails with a countdown, but very careful to not do these too far in advance either or you'll annoy your customers. And make sure that the message is appropriately mysterious so that people are wondering what you're counting down to. The same time frame as the email applies, just a few days to a week in advance.

2. A newsletter. If you have a running newsletter with a decent subscription list, then you do the announcement of your product launch in this medium. You can either come out and say that you have a new product coming out in X number of days and lay out what it is or be more mysterious. Or, if you really want to be cryptic, simply put a countdown at the top or bottom of the newsletters coming before the product launch and get people buzzing about it.

3. An e-card. While not usually thought of, you can design an e-card to let everyone on your mailing list know about the big event. This is a more labor intensive way to do it since it will demand more creativity, but it is also more memorable for it. You can also send regular e-invites or e-posters; whatever you feel will showcase the big event best.

There's no reason why your product launch shouldn't be met with fanfare and plenty of money as long as you go about announcing it in an interesting and creative manner. By targeting the inbox, you let a lot of people know in a more private fashion which has the effect of making them feel more like they're in the know and thus more privileged. It's also easier to announce through the inbox, so you get the best of both worlds.

How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   

Product Launches and You

Almost every day there are new products being launched all over the Internet. These products cover just about every niche from cleaning your computer, training your pet right through to how to make money online.

If you have never subscribed to any type of online Internet expert you will no doubt have received an e-mail, more often multiple e-mails, promoting the launch of the latest product that promises the Earth. Most of the time they don't.

Now I am not going to slam every single product out there. All I will say is that many of these products do not deliver what they promise on the fantastic looking sales pages. However, some do deliver and they give you excellent knowledge and information about how to make money online.

I think the biggest problem that people have is that they become inundated with information, launches, products, tips, techniques and methods. People don't know where to start and they don't know where to finish.

If many of the budding marketers out there would actually purchase just one program, studied in depth and put into practice everything that is being talked, they would probably see some great success. Unfortunately most people tend to hop from one program to the next and leave them all half finished and not producing any real income.

Here is my solution for the many different product launches and how to use them to benefit your business.

First of all thoroughly review the product you wish to go for. Upon purchase study it in depth and ensure you focus only on this one product. Learn everything you need to from the creator and put it all into practice.

Secondly, when a new launch comes along that looks promising. Purchase it, but outsource it! Employ someone from one of the many online jobs websites and pay them to study this product and put everything into practice. They will begin to generate an income for you as you pay them to do so.

With a good program and a good worker you will make more money than it costs to hire them.

Rinse and repeat this process with lots of different products, launches a money making techniques. Now you have a business.

This is exactly how some of the best online marketers work. They have teams of people working for them and they are therefore able to dominate the money making methods available online.

How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   

Assassination Discount - Is $2000 Too Much to Pay For an Internet Marketing Course?

If you've been involved in Internet Marketing for a few years, you've probably seen the launch of hundreds of new programs and software geared towards making money online. These programs are generally divided into 2 categories:

• Courses to teach you a specific method or income stream for making money online

• Software that enhances or automates some of the common daily processes you do in internet marketing, like keyword research, submitting articles, or building backlinks

Some of these programs are free and very useful, like Google's External Keyword Tool or the Wordpress blog creation platform. Some provide some automation for one specific process, like submitting to RSS feeds, with an appropriately small price tag, like $29 - $99.

Then there's the Big Boys:

• The software programs that package many important functions together in one suite, and charge a hefty monthly continuity "rent," such as SENuke, for $127 per month (over $1500 per year,) and

• The online money making courses that can carry a steep purchase price.

Lately, you may have noticed a trend towards higher & higher prices. Whereas not too long ago you could nab a well-rounded course in affiliate marketing, like Commission Blueprint or George Brown's Google Sniper for around $100-$250, many current courses and done-for-you business solutions are running $500 - $1000 bucks. In the first six months of 2010, at least once each month, a new "all-in-one" system was launched at the $1997 price point, a frighteningly frequent figure these days. One current example is The Assassination Product Launch Course

Newcomers to internet marketing look at this and gasp, "Who can afford that? Only the people who don't need it, because they're already making steady income online. But for us newcomers, the ones who have little or no website knowledge and no internet income, the ones who really need this training, it prices us completely out of the market."

I understand this feeling. I too have balked at some of the steep price points for programs I really wanted to try out, but could not afford. Further ingratiating is finding out that many of those prices could be cut by half if the course creator wasn't offering lofty $500 - $1000 commissions to their affiliates.

Wanting the course launchers to be more reasonable in their prices is a fair-enough request. But this kind of thinking can also be limiting.

Sure, some of them are charging these high fees just to make a killing online, but many are setting such a high price to winnow out the tire-kickers and whiners. They've had past experience with being spread too thin supporting a bunch of IM wannabees who expect to pay a small price, do next to nothing, and get rich quick online. They only want to work with people who are serious and willing to work their method HARD, every day, to achieve success. And they figure the high price will scare off those less serious about actually doing the necessary work.

But more important than their attitude is your attitude. Sure, you must do your due diligence to investigate both the course creators and the course itself. Great, honest ratings & reviews for most internet marketing courses can be found on the esteemed Warrior Forum. Membership is free.

Beyond that, your own perspective may need a tune-up. Think about it:

How much should a course should cost, that can potentially provide you with a fine living for the rest of your life? How much would it cost you, right now, in education costs, rent, inventory and promotion, to start any other business - a clothing shop, a plumbing service, a restaurant? Anywhere from $25,000 to $250,000. And while many are quick to point out that there's no guarantee of success with any of these internet marketing businesses, there's no guarantee your restaurant, shop or service business will succeed either, and you'll lose a lot more money if they fail.

Using The Assassination Course as an example, internet millionaire Greg Jacobs has promised to show you exactly how he made his millions, included ALL the tools, training and support you'll need to accomplish it (including tools he himself did not have at his disposal when he launched his products,) and backed it all up with a full refund guarantee.

If you're thinking of buying this course and skimming through it, or not really applying yourself to the hard-work tasks before you, by all means, do not buy it!

But if you are ready to totally absorb everything in the course and work hard to accomplish your goals, you are investing in yourself, and in a business that could potentially provide you with a very comfortable lifestyle.

Is $2000 too much to pay for a program that can provide you with many times that, many thousands of dollars every month? Compared to so many other business opportunities, it's a small, fractional price to pay.

Read, research and become informed about whether any of these programs is right for you. But don't jump to conclusions based on sticker-shock alone. If a course matches up well with your desired business model and you income goals, even twice $2000 will seem like a modest investment when you and your family look back on it in the coming bountiful years.

How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   

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