Thursday, November 29, 2012

Profitable Launches - What Does it Really Take?

I'm blessed to coach a lot of women and study with a lot of mentors. And there's something I've noticed...

Spirit-rich women entrepreneurs are really confused about what it really takes to have a profitable launch!

Why? One reason is they check out what "the big gals" are doing and try to model them.

While there is a lot to be learned from studying what successful people and adapt it to your situation, in the case of launches, it can also lead you astray (think: wasting lots of time). There's a lot going on that you probably won't notice unless you know what to look for, and even more going on behind the scenes.

I've discovered that way the big gals make launches work just isn't something that most coaches, consultants and healers can make work for them. So what do "the rest of us" really need to do to successfully fill a new program?

There are 3 essential skill sets you must have to profitably launch any new program, product or service, no matter what the price point:

1. A proven, step-by-step and day-by-day launch plan. You've probably discovered that unveiling your new program with a flourish and a "Ta Da!" doesn't work. What does work is an ordered sequence that is specifically designed to create momentum, create sales, and keep the sales going.

I've found that you can create that momentum in as little as 2 weeks. (In fact, contrary to what you may think, when it comes to launches that make money, shorter is better.)

Your launch plan includes a launch calendar that tells you exactly what to do to, each day, including which email to send, important deadlines such as when the price goes up and when bonuses go away, and more.

2. A simple strategy for having value-rich conversations that turn into clients or purchasers of your new product or program. Here's a little-known secret that nobody talks about: Unless you have a huge list that is trained to buy from you, you'll need to include OFFLINE methods in your launch - that is, conversations that turn into clients.

It takes personal connection to run a successful business. Every uber-successful mentor I know has someone in their organization who is on the phone with potential clients. (One of my mentors, Kendall SummerHawk is a great example. Her hubby and biz partner Richard, spends all day every day connecting with clients. Think that may have had a little something to do with the fact that they crossed the 2-million dollar mark last year? You bet it did!)

It's important to understand that there is NO "hard selling" in these conversations! You're simply helping your clients get clear and present to the problem, and inviting them to make a different choice - your solution, if it's right for them.

When you combine these kinds of authentic conversations with your online marketing, you'll create incredible results - for you AND the people you help.

3. A simple strategy for giving a passionate, profitable preview call that gets clients lining up to work with you. Ever experience this scenario? You craft a knockout call, give away a ton of information and get great feedback ("I loved your call!")... but nobody buys. What's the problem?

The problem is that there is a structure to a preview call that delivers a lot of value AND creates sales!

In your call you want to help your clients get present to their problem, showing them there IS a solution, getting them started by giving them a few tips, and letting them know where they can get more - ie., how they can invest in what you offer.

Your preview call is really an authentic selling conversation, delivered 1-to-many instead of just 1-to-1. When you think of them that way, and structure them accordingly (instead of trying to solve the problem IN the call), you'll dramatically improve your results.

These 3 skills combine specific planning with the 2 all-important authentic "selling conversations" that cover BOTH scenarios in which you'll be working - online and offline. Master them all, and you'll always be able to put together a plan to fill your programs... no matter what your list size, experience in what you do, or what you're offering.

How a Product Launch Manager Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level   Three Tips on How to Market a New Product   Review of Auto Click Profits   Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Suggestions to Launching a New Business - Discover Why It Should Start Online!   


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